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Purchased the manual that I was looking for at a great price and could download it easily.. Great service experience and for future purchases I plan to use the site. Thank you very much
Service manual in good quality, it was very helpful to me. Perfect service, I am very satisfied.
Jochen Kelm
Exellent manual ,it was in great condition,and got all the info i expected,5 stars!!
I searched the Internet exhaustively for this manual and Owner-Manuals was the least expensive...but provided an excellent reproduction within 4 hours. Very satisified.
Rapid and precise delivery. Good print. On the spot.
This instrument has been thoroughly tested and inspected before being shipped and i s ready for use when received. After the instrument i s unpacked, it should be carefully inspected for damage received in transit. If any shipping damage is found, follow the procedure outlined i n the "Claim for Damage in Shipment" page a t the back of this instruction manual.
No special precautions a r e n e c e s s a r y except, when s e v e r a l 460 Amplifiers a r e to be used in cascade, they must have a good common ground, i. e. : mounted in a relay rack, and the high-voltage output must be kept away f r o m the input to avoid the possibility of feedback.
ON This toggle switch controls the a - c power supplied to the i n s t r u ment f r o m the power line. LINEAR, PULSE This r o t a r y switch selects the type of amplification desired.
FUSE The fuseholder, located on the panel, contains the power line fuse. Replacement fuses should be of the type specified in the Table of Replaceable P a r t s , Section V.
POWER CABLE The three-conductor power cable supplied with this instrument i s terminated i n a polarized three-prong male connector. The third contact is an offset, round pin added to a standard twoblade connector which grounds the instrument c h a s s i s when used